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Sanchez grabs biggest career win on Giro Stage 6 and Pogacar stays in front

来源:Stellar Standpoint news portal编辑:business时间:2024-06-03 18:38:44

RAPOLANO TERME, Italy (AP) — An incredulous Pelayo Sanchez won the sixth stage of the Giro d’Italia while Tadej Pocagar remained the leader on Thursday after riding on white, dusty gravel roads normally used in another famous race.

Sanchez edged fellow breakaway riders Julian Alaphilippe and Luke Plapp in a sprint at the end of the 180-kilometer (112-mile) route from Torre Del Lago Puccini — on the outskirts of Viareggio — to Rapolano Terme.

Sanchez was stunned by his achievement and kept shaking his head and putting his hands over his face. The Spaniard repeatedly said, “I can’t believe it,” as he was hugged by his Movistar teammates and others.

His first victory in a grand tour, on his Giro debut, came just over a year after Sanchez’s first professional win.

“This is amazing, I don’t have words. Crazy, crazy day for me,” the 24-year-old Sanchez said. “Since the start of the Giro, I tried to save energy because I knew I didn’t have the shape to be in the front in the first days.

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